
Liceo Classico Statale Terenzio Mamiani
09/12 - 07/17
Diploma di Liceo Classico
  • Subjects: English Grammar and Literature, Geography, Greek Grammar and Literature, History, History of Art, Italian Grammar and Literature, Latin Grammar and Literature, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Philosophy, Physical Education and Sports, Physics.
  • University of Twente
    09/17 - 2021 (exp.)
    Bachelor of Communication Science
  • BSc in Communication Science, coursework included marketing strategies, online communication and privacy, social psychology, human interaction technologies, corporate communication, communication by design, statistics, qualitative analysis, and big data analytics.
  • Bachelor thesis “Increasing charity donations for identifiable and statistical victims by a poster design”, available here
  • University of Amsterdam
    09/20 - 2021 (exp.)
    Master Persuasive Communication
  • Health communication, Marketing communication
  • Work Experience

    Test Developer

    10/16 - 01/17
    Roles: Testing web and mobile applications


    01/17 - 05/17
    Uisp Roma
    Roles: Interviewing, Creating and uploading articles (storytelling, interviews), Creating and uploading visual content (videos and photos), Managing a group of 5 people.

    Promoter. Social Media Manager

    01/17 - 05/17
    La Corsa di Miguel
    Roles: Managing Twitter account, Sharing news and articles, Creating and uploading visual content (videos and photos).

    Video Editor

    April 2019 - current
    Founder of the Blue Lens Company
    The Random Walker
    Unione Rugby Capitolina
    Scriptwriter and video editor for the documentary:
    "The Privacy Paradox"
    (award winning for “Excellence in Thematic Focus for Documentary” at the second Twente Privacy Film Festival)

    Skills & Proficiency

    Writing scientific reports

    Team work

    Final Cut Pro X

    Adobe Photoshop



    Microsoft Word